BoltPilot Lite ® is the new app to communicate with Texas Controls´ Smart Bolting Powerpacks.Every Texas Controls´ hydraulic wrenches and tensioners profiles are already preloaded on the app. Creating parameter sets for custom tools and bolted joints it’s really simple. These custom tools and bolted joints definition can be used into the tightening settings that the app sends to the powerpack via Bluetooth.When using powerpacks that don’t have connectivity, using the integrated calculator for torque and tensioning tools, is easier and faster than consulting old printed conversion tables. You can get from the app the pressure values for torque or load to be applied.Keeping the MK powerpack range updated is very simple. When the app connects to the pump, it will check the version you are using. If there is an firmware update it will show a notification, allowing to update the powerpack downloading the new version and sending it directly to the powerpack